Hi part II/feelings about Burn Notice and romances again

Jul 25, 2013 00:34

If you're not following
metanews, you should. I don't agree with every essay I've read there, and I don't read every essay in every newsletter (especially the fandoms I don't care for), but sometimes I'll find something awesome tucked away in the newsletter.

I was just complaining about the romantic subplot in this season's Burn Notice. For those that don't know, pretty much the male and female romantic leads are separated by misunderstandings (and possibly some of them caused by big, glaring plot holes).

He doesn't tell her about the deal he made to keep her free so she can be free to do whatever she wants. She doesn't tell him how he feels about her...and in the process, is leaving the new boyfriend she has no chemistry with out in the dark about how she feels about her ex. (Really hoping they don't make this into a cheating thing. Ick.)

The sad thing is, with six or so episodes left, I have a feeling this might drag on for at least three more episodes. I'm honestly shocked I don't watch Pawn Stars repeats instead. At least there's no badly-written romance in a reality show about pawn shop employees. The other sad thing is some people are eating up this badly written tripe. Sigh.

Anyway, I wanted to link everyone to this great essay (and responses in the comments!) by cornerofmadness I found via
metanews that, even though it's about the "alpha male dickhead hero" in a lot of romance-oriented fiction (including Clockwork Angel, which isn't a good book, by the way), expresses exactly how I feel about all sorts of badly written romances. Including this season of Burn Notice, of course.

Oh, I haven't done any Suits recaps this season? Oops. It's the Burn Notice AU that's eating my time. I'll catch up with those ASAP.

This entry was originally posted at http://merryghoul.dreamwidth.org/229337.html. Comments on either site are fine.

rant: burn notice, not a fic

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