"Revenge is the best revenge:" Suits, "He's Back" (and it was lackluster)

Feb 09, 2013 11:13

Not really feeling this episode. For a show that's always had short seasons (unlike Burn Notice) this was, surprisingly enough, filler. TL;DR, it's a lot of back and forth about the Folsom Foods case as well as Monica, the woman who had an affair with Daniel in the flashback episode last summer. Guess it's because this episode's part of that Characters United initiative thing, which is against harassment of all sorts. I have nothing against their cause. I wish it wasn't shoehorned into the storyline like Universal Networks' Green Week. Anyway:

Deposition one is Harvey versus Mike, Harvey and a Folsom Foods client. Daniel's getting personal in the deposition, but in Daniel fashion, he's pretending he's not. And he hands Harvey Monica's lawsuit against the firm.

Jessica finds out about the lawsuit. Thing is, this whole lawsuit's about to be complicated because Daniel made Jessica sign a confidentiality agreement she didn't read. I guess that's how they're extending this war between Jessica and Daniel. That's disappointing. I wanted Daniel to come roaring back in the show.

Meanwhile, back to the story: Daniel's trying to get in Harvey's head, and, not surprisingly, it's about the firm's name. And credits.

Harvey feuds with Jessica over the lawsuit and the firm's name. Jessica says he tried to fuck with her in the same way.

Mike sees Rachel about a case, but he learns Rachel is applying to Harvard to join Pearson Hardman. She says she'll do this on her own.

Louis wants in on the Monica Eton case for revenge against Daniel. He asks Donna, but she refuses. She wants revenge as well, but she doesn't want to take it; she says the Eton case is Harvey's. This comes as a surprise to Louis, who thought that Donna's denial of Louis on the case was related to anything he's done against Donna or Harvey. "Success is the best revenge," Donna says to Louis in regards to getting revenge on Daniel. "Bullshit," Louis says. "Revenge is the best revenge." He walks away from Donna's desk.

Mike finds out Daniel can't work in NYC because of a non-compete clause, but is working in New Jersey to defeat Pearson Hardman. Daniel's using Mike's lawsuit. Because of that, Harvey can't use it.

Jessica meets Rachel (by accident) and Robert at Robert's house about the lawsuit. She's trying to convince Robert that Daniel is horrible, but she can't say anything about it because of the confidentiality agreement. But she can spoil a Jets game he's trying to watch when she's pissed off.

Harvey talks to a judge about the Eton case. It's affected by the confidentiality agreement again. (What a plot device!) The judge says Pearson Hardman would lose this case. No, he claims, it's not because the judge saw Daniel two weeks ago.

Daniel and Donna talk before Jessica's deposition and exchange words.

Daniel discovers that his office is now a conference room. Donna slaps him, and they talk about the memo that initially got her fired. Naturally, he lies about it, as if his ways will cause the demise of the firm. Daniel also insists Donna and Harvey are an item. She slaps him again.

At Jessica's deposition, Daniel tries to get Jessica to break confidentiality. Harvey stops her, but Daniel is able to get in some awful digs at Jessica, claiming Jessica's lack of a love life (and that she is "bitter" and "barren") is affecting her.

Harvey tries to get Jessica to settle, but she refuses: "...it is still my name on that god damned wall."

While meeting with Mike, Rachel finishes her Harvard application...well, not really; she has to do the essay first. Mike says he'll try to fix everything wrong with it to attempt to save the firm.

Mike tries to talk to Monica over the lawsuit. He tries to apologize, but it's too late, as she hates, well, Pearson Hardman.

Monica comes back to Parson Hardman and runs into Louis before seeing Daniel for a deposition.

Mike asks if Jessica can use his help with the Eton case. Initially she says yes but then says Harvey should take the lead on the case.

Which leads into the third deposition in the episode. Harvey tells Daniel off about Daniel attempting to get in his head. Also, there are more confidentiality agreements and affairs. It's maddening. Under the influence of Daniel, Monica reveals she was harassed by Louis...for him asking her out (which is against firm rules, but the show is dragging the plot of this episode out).

Harvey accuses Daniel of putting the blame on Louis for the lawsuit. Harvey wants to settle; Daniel wants Jessica found guilty for a trial.

Louis goes to Harvey's office and thinks the Lee Fields* he's listening to is Kenny G. Louis still wants in on the Eton case because he knows how it feels being used by Daniel. Harvey refuses initially, then gives Louis a transcript of the previous deposition. Harvey then hands him a scotch. Reminder: this is not Mad Men.

On a rooftop, Donna has sent Rachel and Mike to the rooftop (probably on purpose, but it feels coincidental). Rachel has yet to complete her essay for Harvard. She thinks she's doomed to be a paralegal. In turn, Mike exaggerates about his interview with Harvey, which, if you remember, he used to get out of a drug deal gone wrong. Oh, Mike.

Jessica finds out that Harvey tried to settle; she's furious. It's a back and forth between the two (and, later, Mike) about how the Eton and Folsom Foods cases should be handled.

The three team up to question Daniel about his affair with Monica and fling evidence in his face. There are six people that can prove he had an affair with Monica. The twist, is, however, the Eton case wasn't Daniel's idea, it was Monica's. Mike also learns how Jessica fired Monica, something she never revealed to him prior to this point. (Because of Mike's lack of knowledge about how Monica fired Jessica, it affected the original draft of his Eton case papers.) The firm's still screwed.

In an elevator, Louis stops the elevator to confront Daniel over Monica. Louis will "kill" Daniel if he ever lies to him again.

Mike sees Monica to apologize about her treatment, alone. He tries to get her to settle so the firm can focus on the Folsom Foods cases. To convince her, Mike gives her summaries of the Folsom Foods cases.

Harvey tells Jessica about what Mike's done. He wants to call it even with Jessica for settling. She refuses to call it even between the two of them. She still regrets signing the confidentiality agreement and she begrudgingly signs the settlement.

Rachel finishes her essay. In it, she says she likes being a paralegal, and because of that, she'll be a great lawyer. Then it hits Mike; he might not see Rachel anymore.

Donna notices the H in HARDMAN is off in the lobby; Harvey did it because he was pissed off at Daniel. Donna tells about hitting Daniel. Jessica meets Donna and Harvey in the lobby. Also, Jessica has a date...

with Robert. Jessica hands Robert Daniel's words in his deposition. But Robert refuses to kick Daniel off Folsom Foods. I guess he's still mad about Jessica spoiling his Jets game on DVR?

Next up: seven cases, seven discticts, all at one time, and this will all be next week. Hopefully it'll be bestter than this week.

*thanks, Songs in Suits!

This entry was originally posted at http://merryghoul.dreamwidth.org/215001.html. Comments on either site are fine.

fandom: suits

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