grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr teh suck

Feb 28, 2007 13:27

So waking up this morning, tired and irritable, I flipped on Bay News 9 - that mostly pretty much useless, not-so-subtly right leaning, fluff filled pseudo "news" station anchored by a woman who looks like she would be a lot more at home giving hummers to sweaty married golfers in the bathroom of a country club than reporting responsibly on world events. And immediately, I heard two things that pissed me right the fuck off.

Edit - there is a post about this on Shakespeare's Sister' blog today:
Litbrit thinks the city manager guy should be able to sue and win with little trouble. Good for him!!!

One - the city manager of Largo is being fired for desiring a sex change operation. They televised debate from the Largo City Council meeting, in which almost all of the council members came off as narrow minded douches with big fat sticks up their asses. I don't recall how many members the council had, but I do remember that only two voted to support the man and keep him in his position - the mayor of Largo, a woman; and an African American member of the council. The poor man, Steve Something (soon to be Susan Something) looked terribly upset and distraught at what he obviously considered a betrayal by his co-workers. People he had been closely associated with for years, who trusted him and praised his work, were now saying that he was a freak, a dirty dirty nasty sleazebag who deserved to be fired and shipped off to Fire Island or San Fran or wherever they're keeping the trannies these days.... But just imagine the tough time this guy is already having - it can't be easy to come out and say, hey, I want to get my johnson whacked off and wear bras and silky panties and take tons of unnatural hormone pills for the rest of my life because I know deep down I am really a woman inside. And then to get run out on a rail like a con man or a child molester on top of it all. What this boils down to is discrimination. This man is being discriminated against because of his sexuality, or confusion regarding same, or whatever, it doesn't fucking matter. It is exactly the same issue as if the city council said "Oh, Mr. City Manager, you're a homosexual? Well, you're fired, get the hell out of here before we set the dogs on you!" It is exactly the same issue as if the city council said "Oh, Mr. City Manager, you're a Wiccan? Well, you're fired, get the hell out of here before we burn you at the stake, you heretic!"
It's absolutely the same - discrimination. And it shouldn't be tolerated.

Two - The Hillsborough County School Board has decided, in its infinite wisdom, to stop giving kids ANY religious holidays off at all. I suspect this is because the parents of non-christian kids were getting a little cheesed off that their child was out of school for Good Friday, Easter, St. Ignatius of the Satanic Monks of Stalingrad's Day, and No One Expects the Spanish Inquisition Day, but if you wanted your child with you for Yom Kippur or Rosh Hashanna or Beltane, you were S.O.L. Personally, if I ever have a kid, I'm going to make up holidays for the kid to take off, any fucking time I want. It just seems like a very childish move on the part of the HCSB - like "well, if we can't have our Evangelical Christian holidays without you pesky heathens complaining all the time, nobody fucking gets one!" I mean, come on. The kids are just happy to be getting out of class, they don't give a flying rat's fuck whether it's a christian holiday, a hurricane day, or a day of mourning for some reject who offed himself a la Heathers, as long as they can sit on their asses playing Wii and stuffing their faces with Hot Pockets and bagel bites all day, instead of listening to some pompous boring ass teacher drone on and on about useless trivia they'll never use.
Although, I was tickled to see that the kids still get Fair Day off, which really pleases the pagan in me.

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