Dec 31, 2037 11:19
This journal is Friends Only. It is mostly just me rambling on about video games, dolls, and health with a good dose of random silliness. This is a drama-free journal. This is not a snark/wank journal. It's a personal journal about my life and, admittedly, probably a rather dull read.
That said, please don't be offended if I don't friend you back. I tend to be a rather private person and stuff that others might openly discuss in their journals I prefer to keep private in mine. So I try to get to know people a bit before I friend them back. If you do friend me I'd love it if you posted a reply to this message and let me know how you found me and where I might know you from (I'm terrible at keeping track of screen names). ^_^
Thank you!
friends only post,
intro post