Jul 23, 2005 02:45
I think with these dates I might be barking up the wrong dog. I had my date with Desmond. He's the one who wrote me poetry. He was born in Ireland and raised in London. He's independently wealthy and went to Oxford. He lived in Dublin before he moved here a month ago. What a sublime accent he has!
I nearly swound when his driver picked me up and his butler took my wrap.
We had a sublime date but I have to dump him. Not because he's black, I'm not prejudiced, because he's not Irish. Not really. I knew from the moment I laid eyes on Peter Reilley I would marry Peter Reilley an Irishman.
Besides, there must be something wrong with him. Why else would he be on Match.com?
Not that there's anything wrong with me. It's not my fault that Peter Reilley got hitched off the wagon before he met me.