Note that is only one of several ways to beat the game. This walkthrough hopefully will be helpful for new players, people who have problems and especially those who try to play in offline mode.
With my heartfelt thanks to my friend
hnhatthanh for all his help and pointing out many details I would have overlooked otherwise.
← Back to part 4 At Hunter Rank 4: Dismiss Red Wolf and hire Lucy instead. Lucy not only has 3 AP, but also is a great pusher, thanks to her Hawkeye Bow. Her "Fire Shoot" hits groups of three up to 8 times, so that your main damage dealer can start with a combo link of 9, while her "Ice Shoot" has a chance to freeze enemies and "Triple Kick" nicely pushes the enemies into place so that your main damage dealer can hit them all at once (even though Kara doesn't really need a pusher).
(I am not entirely sure, but I think I had Kara at Front position, Lucy in the Middle and Carlos in the Back.)
„Meet Rudy Sudarto“: Didn't encounter any problems here. Decided against hiring Rudy or Xiaobing, as Kara, Carlos and Lucy made a great team already. (Carlos' Rogue Rank was 4 now.)
„I Will Defeat You“: What? Are we in chapter 4 already??? Wasn't that hard so far ...
A note in-between: Once you are in chapter 4, you have access to „Legendary Silver Wolf II“, one of the most rewarding missions in the game. While it appears later in my list, you may want to try now if you are ready yet. Once you are able to beat Silver Wolf without using boost (AP Boosters, Chili Peppers, Iron Skins) and revival items (Angel Feathers or Life Bottles) worth more gold than the amount you earn for beating this mission, you make this your next grinding spot. It also is the best Moon Stone farm (should you need only Moon Stones) as it has the best Moon Stone-To-Areas relatio. Viegraff should be able to get rid of Silver Wolf without using any items. With Kara and Lucy, I didn't try, I don't know what I was thinking …
„Meet Artlogic's Painter Trio“: At first sight one might think that the characters aren't worth it. When you look closer, though … AdamTny has the Twin Keris Semar Mesem with the Slay ability and the awesome "Shadow Slash" attack (hits 3 times per enemy, one of the best attacks to build long combo chains). He also is wearing the Shadow Garb so that he has 2 AP. (Carlos was proud to become a Rogue Rank 5, level 24 afterwards. For clearing this dungeon I also got Silk.)
Formation/Tavern: It is up to you what you do, what ever you think is best. I dismissed Kara and hired AdamTny instead. (Lucy - Front, Adam - Middle, Carlos - Back)
„Artlogic Crew Challenge“: I won't tell you that you should do it. If you feel like gambling (or have so much Gold that you don't know what to do with it), you may try, it is up to you. I just thought that it would be a funny idea to send Adam against his colleagues … I was extremely lucky. If you are not so lucky and are forced to use a Magic Portal which leads to Random Boss Sir George or Random Boss Golden Skully at area 80+ or even higher, you either need more AP Boosters than you can afford to waste at this stage or you are dead. As I said, during this run I didn't encounter any problems. For the whole 102 areas I only used about half a dozen Chili Peppers (against huge waves on area 60+, the one Magic Box Random Boss and the Final Bosses). Oh, and 20+ Water Buckets (because I got burned about a dozen times). Adam „Slew“ almost everyone and everything, it was fun to watch. One of the Bosses has a massive Block rate, but they aren't as hard as one would expext at area 102.
Are the unlocked characters worth the trouble? That's arguable. GubrutSky has the Soul Blade (the same weapon as Gabriel) with the Slay Ability and a massive STR bonus. He also has a higher CRIT and PARRY rate than anyone else we have seen so far. Earlier in the game he is a valuable addition to your team. The problem is, that you need a bit of luck (probably success depends too much on luck here) to beat „Artlogic Crew Challenge“ at this stage without ending up broke (or dead, or both), while later (when you have Viegraff or even Gabriel), you don't need GubrutSky any more. It is entirely up to you if you want to give this mission a try.
(At area 99, I clicked „Wanderer Encounter“ once more: they were only level 31, still with stats like player characters (that was different in some chapter 6 missions, but currently we are still in chapter 3-4) and rather crappy equipment. In offline mode, Wanderer Encounter is something you should prefer to Enemy Encounter, and especially to Magic Portal.)
(Carlos gained two levels and one full Class Rank during this mission, he ended up Rogue Rank 6, level 26.)
Formation/Tavern: For testing purpose, I decided to replace Adam by GubrutSky. (Carlos had gotten a lot stronger, so my formation was: GubrutSky - Front, Carlos - Middle, Lucy - Back.) He's worth it, but you probably will run into money problems sooner or later with all the hiring and firing (something too much like real life for my taste, ;-)). You may as well keep Adam. Or even Kara.
Some more dungeons to clear:
„Witches' Tower“ (Silk x 1, makes 5. I think I had it already, but now it would be about time to wait for the Secret Shop to appear and buy the Ninja Suit from Loki.)
„Eliminate Red Ogre“ (And so my lucky 4 AP-Rogue reached Rank 7.)
„Red Slayer“ (Level 27 he reached soon after.)
„Temple Guardian“: Good Gold farm (I mean Gold Ores), as it has only 15 areas. (Reached Hunter Rank 5.)
Continue to part 6 →