One hell of a weekend

Dec 20, 2004 12:14

Well I'm not about to go into great detail as all of the Rocky people on my list would know exactly what happened and depending on the situation would and/or wouldn't want to hear it again, so this'll be short.

And to those beloved Rocky people, I want to say my sorries and thank yous for this funk I've been in most of the weekend and how great you've all been. You're all very sweet and loving people and I'm so grateful to know all of you. ^_^

EDIT: When I refer to Brandon in this, I'm not talking of "my" Brandon/The Hobbit/#2/Zoso as any of you might know him, so don't be confused and think the fuzzy one's birthday past and he became a stage performer.

Friday, Dec. 17
Great party at Susan's for Brandon and Ashley's birthdays. Sonic Transducer played so I got to come out and sing along to "Origin of Love" at the top of my lungs... yeah, I'm a Hedwig nut, or Hed Head as the movie might suggest.

Saturday, Dec. 18
Don't you just hate when you finally get around to doing something and they don't neuter on Saturday? Yeah, go fig'... :P

SPECTACULAR show this last Saturday. Finally got to see Steve play Frank for the first time, and I must say he was IN-fuckin'-CREDIBLE. Julia as Columbia was outstanding as well. I'd only seen her do Trixie at Dykie Horror and even then I thought she was hot stuff.

Saturday was also Brandon's wonderful first performance as Riff. I thought he was GREAT. ^_^ Had me wowwed.

Sunday, Dec. 19
The Hobbit and I went up to Vegas with Rey and Kitten for Levi and Ashley's wedding. I swear they are such a beautiful couple. I can't wish enough happiness and joy for them, really I can't.

Cheryl gave me such a sweet note that perked me up a bit (if you read this, Cheryl, thank you so much) and I got my first taste of Warp Core Breech at Quark's. Good stuff. Had to leave early so Rey could drive the rest of us home.

I feel obliged to thank you all for the wonderful people that you are. Thanks for the memories and good times, my friends.

Off topic, but I found these random links and decided to also share these things:
The legitimate business known as "Rent-a-Midget"
Oh Cum All Ye Faithful I'm not sure what they're advertising.

birthdays, weekend, rocky, good life moments

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