Occasionally I'll get a question as to why I don't post so much as I used to, and honestly I'm touched when some say they miss my manic writings. Thank you so much for inquiring. REALLY. Thanks.
Though I do regularly read my friends list, more often than not I'll update my bastard child local community,
I created it a year or so ago just as a place to mark things I'm probably going to attend and also give others activity ideas and locales to visit in the Southland.
It's low membership can be attributed to the fact that I dislike advertising/whoring communities. If people find it and join, let it be something special they discovered by word of mouth or what have you. Anyone can post to it, I just tend to post whenever I find a good deal or something that might interest someone else.
And now for something even more uninteresting. A sports page-like "By the Numbers" rundown on the bullshit I've been up to. Yaaaaaay! Stop crying:
9 -- Number of bands Brandon and I saw at the KROQ Weenie Roast (Metallica, Flogging Molly, Bad Religion, Pennywise, The Offspring, Rise Against, Atreyu, Seether, and the Raconteurs)
86 -- Number of graphic novels I've read so far in the last 2 months. Not comic books, but collections of them and then some.
4 -- Number of Voidcrush shows at the Relax Bar this past month.
2 -- Number of finals I'd been sweating this month, both for my stats class. I'm extremely anxious to hear if I passed or not as I'm planning on transferring out this semester.
-- Number of faires Brandon and I are doing this season. Did Southern already, and we're looking to do Koroneburg this weekend.
-- Number it takes to tango.
OK, yes, obviously my mind is gone and I scribble things online to amuse myself.
Seriously sometimes hearing my own voice in my head is like listening to the ventriloquist's dummy insult you over and over while you're sipping your water.
Returning to that list I'm sure no one's reading...
3 -- Number of shimmery green hummingbirds I saw this week.
15 -- Number of books checked out on one of my 3 library cards that I use.
54 -- Number of days left until Comic-Con. OH SWEET DEITY do I need Comic-Con's warm embrace of geeky chaos right about now. Also I miss me some Gina and Connor something fierce.
i -- Imaginary number equating to the square-root of negative 1.
0 -- Number of people, including myself, who think I'm hilarious. :-P