My bruises disappeared this morning. It's such an empty nest right now.
Cartoon Network's idea of good dubbing is impotent at best; nevertheless, Naruto's going to be scary huge with the teenieboppers and Hot Topic generation. I foresee another surge at the next Anime Expo.
Went by Secret Stash with Brandon to see how many people showed up for the Mallrats X signing. Quite a few and they weren't letting in yet. Got our mandatory $1 ice cream cookie sandwich.
I'm not sure whether to be proud of him or not, but Tuxedo, my slightly-less-than-obese black and white cat, was playing with a sparrow corpse when I got home. I don't know if he was the one who caught it and killed it, but hey he's apparently active.
Right now watching this Canadian dark comedy that's so bad it's funny with Christina and Brandon. Check it out if you like...
I leave you with this:
Happy belated autumnal equinox!