Sign-Up Post!

Jan 11, 2010 16:55

1. Please make sure to read the rules post first. Basically, it's your standard ficathon exchange, only centered around Marvel Comics and TV adaptations ( Read more... )

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ficwize January 12 2010, 18:11:36 UTC
Username: wizefics
E-mail: bewize @ yahoo . com
Characters You Will Write:
Continuities You Can Write In: Current X-men 616, Animated X-men, X-men: Evolution, Spider-man and His Amazing Friends, SWORD (maybe others? ask if you need something and maybe I just didn't think of it.)
Squicks/Subjects You Will Not Write: torture porn;
Are You Willing To Be A Back-Up Writer?

Request One
Comic: Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends (or 616 with this presumed background)
Characters: Bobby Drake/Peter Parker (slash preferred, but gen also wonderful!), feel free to include Angelica Jones (Firestar) and go OT3 if you'd like...
Prompt: Making their way in the Superhero World and the importance of someone who understands
Things You Don't Want: character death; angst is good, but please nothing that will leave me sobbing.

Request Two
Comic: Spider-Woman
Characters: Abigail Brand/Jessica Drew aka Spider-woman
Prompt: I won't lie. Agent Brand is probably my favorite character in the Marvel-verse right now. I only started reading Spider-Woman because Brand was in it, but I'm so glad that I did. Jessica Drew is *amazing* - and I am definitely going to keep reading. What I would most like is a story with both of these women doing what they do best - being awesome. I'd love backstory on why Brand approached Drew in the first place; I'd love some off-screen meeting; I'd love an adventure where brand goes along with Drew and they both have to save the day. I'd prefer gen, but I certainly wouldn't object to femmeslash between these two characters either. Any rating, anything is good. Also, please feel free to add other characters as you see fit - X-men or New Avengers or anything, but it is not necessary at all.
Things You Don't Want: Nothing too kinky.

Request Three
Comic: SWORD
Characters: Henry McCoy/Abigail Brand
Prompt: OMG, the ways that I love them together are epic. Snarky, real, genuine emotions of a couple who aren't always on the same side, but respect that. Also, if you're up for it, I would be interested to see a (non-graphic!) depiction of their sex life, dealing with Hank's body issues and Brand's apparent disregard for "accepted" desirable forms.
Things You Don't Want:

Request Four
Comic: Dark Reign, 616
Characters: Original 4 X-men
Prompt: An adventure together, that forces them to remember the way they used to be and address the way that they've changed. Friends change and grow apart, but they can work towards something new, too.
Things You Don't Want: graphic violence, saccharine endings (since I don't believe that would be the case here - though I'll take happy endings!), trivializations of what any of them have been through


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