All Assignments Out!

Feb 04, 2010 23:42

I have sent the assignments out. If you signed up for this fic exchange, you should have a message in your PM box with your recipient's three-four requests.

I made sure everyone was matched to at least one request, but if there's any problem, please reply to me as soon as possible so I can get another writer on that assignment stat. I wanted to get the assignments out a day early, just in case there were any situations.

Again, two people have been double-assigned, so if by any chance you're beta-ing for someone and they have the same recipient as you, this was not a mistake. It was necessary to make the assignments run smoothly, and I've picked up the two additional requests I was not able to find another match for.

Thanks for participating, everyone! I'll be going to bed shortly, but I'll be answering any questions or replies in the morning. :)
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