The art that I saw back on 13th Jan. Some of these paintings I have admired for 15+ years.... It was all the literature I was into - the myths, poetry, and legends - most books came with images and art work and I loved art like Botticelli and the Pre-Raph's... Like everything else, it inspired me to discover my idea of asthetic beauty.
Alma-Tadema's 'Silver Favourites'
Holman Hunt's 'The Shadow of Death'
Edmund Blair Leighton's 'Off'
Rossetti's 'The Bower Meadow'
Edmund Blair Leighton's 'On the Threshold'
Lord Frederick Leighton's 'The Last watch of Hero'
Tissot's 'Hush'
Holman Hunt's 'The Lady of Shallot'
Holman Hunt's 'The Hireling Shepherd'
And last but not least......
J. W. Waterhouse's 'Hylas and the Nymphs'
The Edmund Blair Leighton art here is a more recent discovery for me. I only ever knew his 'God speed' and 'The Accolade' and later 'Stitching the Standard' which I got from a friend for a housewarming gift (which also recently was damaged in a flood).
Actually, thinking about the flood damaged images, I think also one of them was 'Circe Invidiosa' by Waterhouse too. I was not upset by these disasters as much as I should have been. I think I might have seen it as a chance to buy different art for myself. As much as I loved those paintings (that were all gifts) I think I'll get the chance to get something else in future for my house, something I'd prefer.