Round Table: How We Pick Books to Read

Sep 13, 2010 17:52

We love books! Obviously! This month we decided to chat about how we pick what books to read, especially our favorite ways.

How do you guys pick books? Recommendations? Blogs? Browsing? Let us know in the comments - especially if there's a weird way you do it. We love weird things.

Here's our take:

Tessa: so we're talking about how we pick what to read?
 Brenna: I have to admit, I'm not very scientific about it
Maggie: Yes. As readers, how do we come to our books. For a long time, I thought being a professional author had changed it.
 Brenna: for me, it's just that big mix of covers, descriptions, recommendations from friends
 Maggie: Because I got sent so many books and picked up so many books at ALA/ BEA, etc. But once that equalized, I seem to have gone back to my normal habits.
 Tessa: what are your normal habits?
 Maggie: I sacrifice the neighbor's kittens and ask the dark gods for an image of a book cover.
  I learned from you.
 Tessa: oh, see you fooled me because I never thought of that as a NORMAL habit.
  it WORKS and is GOOD, but not normal.
 Maggie: With you, I've had to adjust my definition of "normal"
 Tessa: good point
 Maggie: Also, I used to be biased, because I read lots of book blogs.
 And so I was about one thousand times more informed than the average shopper who is not using kittens and industry blogs.
  But now, I'm so busy, I don't get to read as many blogs, so it's back to recommendations from friends, the few blogs I still read, and, of course, the almighty sin of a beautiful cover.
 Brenna: until about a year ago, I didn't even know there were book blogs. I mean, I did, but they were totally mythological
 Tessa: I think I read in two modes. As part of my job, and as a person.
 Maggie: YES!
 Tessa: the reading I do for my job is usually about reading books that have buzz, books I hear a lot of about. From blogs, twitter, booksellers, etc.
  so that I can participate in conversations
so that I know what's going on in my genre
 Maggie: I still read a lot for blurbs, etc., but I think of that as separate as the books I read for pleasure. When I forget I'm working, the book gets a blurb
 Tessa: My favorite books almost always come from my not-work reading
 Maggie: I find my books a lot like I find my music, actually, now that I think about it. People know my tastes and shout THIS! READ THIS! or I get so obsessed with one particular book that I go online and search desperately for something like it, things that people have bought after reading it, read reviews of that book, hoping desperately for a "this book reminded me of this other book . . . " Basically when I read a good book it's like the aftermath of a nasty break up.
 Brenna: I'm thinking about all this . . . I don't know that I think of reading as related to my job yet
 Maggie: Poor rebound books.
 Tessa: Yeah, your rebound books are like books people put into my hands and say "you must read this because you will love it" and then... I won't on principle.
  I am contrary. And obnoxious.
  to my core. Brenna: right now, I still feel like there are just books, and I walk into the library and think, "That looks interesting"
 Maggie: I never knew that about you, Tess. /sarcasm

Tessa: Har har

Maggie: Brenna is such a young, tender shoot.
 Brenna: also, I'm also resistant to "YOU'LL LOVE THIS!"
 Maggie: Oh, I should say one weird way I've been finding books I love.
  I have been reading all the Alex Award winners.
 Brenna: well, I haven't been inundated with books that people want me to read
 Maggie: I don't know how I first discovered that I'd read a bunch of books that were all Alex Award winners, but I did -- and then I started seeking them out, and they tend to be Maggie books.
  I think the qualification to win is "must be enjoyed by Maggie."
 Tessa: I haven't, either, Brenna. Unless you count my mom.
 Brenna: I hated that part of school, though-the you-will-read-this
 Maggie: I thought I was contrary until I met you two. The only time I feel contrary is when a book is super popular.
 Tessa: Or just Massive Buzz in general. I didn't read Harry Potter for the longest time because Everybody In The World was reading them.
 Maggie: I get all resentful if other people discovered it before me and then I assume I won't like it, like Harry Potter.
  But I'm trying to break myself of that. Harry Potter helped, and so did The Help.
  Do you guys buy online or in person? Brenna: awards is a good measuring stick. I read and almost unilaterally enjoy the Printz books
 Tessa: I don't buy online unless I know the author and want to support, or know I want to read the book for sure. I much much much prefer being in a bookstore.
  I don't like awards, bc they trigger my contrary nature.
 Brenna: I don't buy in person as much as I should. Online is just so easy, and no matter how big the brick-and-mortar store is, they still don't have everything
 Maggie: I have to say that I impulse buy in person a lot more than online.
 Tessa: My ideal book-finding experience goes like this: I spend 2 hours in a bookstore very very slowly browsing one genre section. First cover/title draws my attention. Then the blurb. Then the first page. Then, sometimes, (Maggie stop reading) the last page.
 I want to run my fingers along the line of spines. I want to hold the weight of it in my hand.
 Brenna: I don't even know how you can do that, Tess
 Maggie: But if a book is recommended to me and it's off the beaten path, like KETURAH AND LORD DEATH, I'll buy it online. Sometimes I'll shoot an email to my indie (closest is more than an hour) and ask them to order a book fo rme.
  Also, Tess, I'm pretending you didn't just say that, so we can still be friends.
 Tessa: I do that, too, if somebody I trust recommends something to me.
 Maggie: I am going to put a last page in FOREVER that says THEN EVERYONE DIED IN THEIR OWN BLOOD. THE END.
 Tessa: Buy online sight-unseen I mean
 Maggie: And, four pages before it, the real ending.
Brenna: now you'll just be perpetuating weird internet suicide rumors
 Tessa: that makes me think maybe I should start reading the whole last chapter. Hmmm. But that would take too long.
 Maggie: I have no idea how this rumor of Sam and Grace committing joint suicide in FOREVER started, but . . . they say that I said it, even.
 Brenna: you said they DON"T commit suicide
Maggie: Also, yes, to impulse buy, I want to hold it. I want to read a page (NOT THE LAST ONE) to see the prose, because to me, prose is a deal-breaker.
 Brenna: Right, I have to see the prose
  even online, if there's not a see-inside feature it's likely a deal-breaker
 Tessa: What do you mean by impulse buy?
 Maggie: So my ideal offline book buying experience looks like this: I go into the store looking for something specific. I pick that book up and then figure, while I'm there, I'll browse. Pretty cover! shocking title! pick it up! OH WOW GREAT VOICE! Or, path b: I have heard of this book from a blog! pick it up: WOW GREAT VOICE!
  I'm a very purposeful book buyer, I mean, Tess. I usually know what I'm going in for.
 I am always open to be convinced of fantastic opportunities, but I don't go just to find something.
 Brenna: I usually go in for one specific thing, and then walk out with two or three
 Tessa: Ahhh, and see, I prefer when I don't know what I want.
  When I know what I want, I go in, get it, and leave.
Sometimes I know of a few books that have come out that I MIGHT want, but I still vastly prefer browsing.
  In the library, too. I just go to my section and browse through the new released. Sometimes I wander aimlessly around.
  I've found some of my favorite books ever that way.
 Maggie: I browse in the library. Because you can't be sure what they have. I also browse in my tiny indie.Because I trust their judgment.
 Brenna: I should add that I love the library, because I get to sample the whole thing. If I love a book, I'll read it over and over again, so even if I first borrowed it from library, I'll wind up owning
 Tessa: The library has this new-fangled thing called a catalogue, Maggie. It tells you what they have. Sometimes it's even available ON LINE.
 Maggie: Yeah, I agree, the library is fantastic, I always buy books that I loved from the library. I have a problem with returning things on time, however. I'm the worst patron in the world.
 I have library books from March.
  What is this thing, electricity? I have no concept of this.
 Tessa: I had some library books for 2.5 years. From the university library. That I finally returned.
 Brenna: as long as you pay your fines, they like you
 Tessa: Yes, I bought them.
 Maggie: Libraries are this: books, that library smell, someone taking the maximum possible fine for 23 books held for 13 weeks past their due date.
 Tessa: I would go to the library in the event of the zombie apocalypse.
  The uni one. With its 6 floors. And snack bar.
Maggie: That is what the zombies would think of the library as.
  Snack bar.
 Tessa: You should come there, too. It has a whole section of German poetry.
  Naw, there's usually only like 2 people in the whole of the stacks.
 Brenna: I love libraries with lots of floors
Maggie: I will say that I am in love with libraries, for browsing. There is something about the unlimitedness of it that makes even someone who deducts all their book purchases excited.
 Brenna: the one at my university had three and a half, plus the basement
 Tessa: I just looked to my right and remembered I have some books I took out about New Orleans... right before we went to NO last April. Um. Oops.
 Maggie: I'm glad to see that we are both horrible patrons.
  But it keeps me from going back.
  But that's off topic.
 Is there any odd way that you find books that we haven't mentioned?
  Also, we've been so clean this RT
  no swearing to edit
  *F-word redacted*

Brenna: I know!
 Maggie: there, I feel better now.
 Tessa: I sometimes steal books from my mom.
 Brenna: oh, yeah-one person whose rec's I trust 100%: my dadMaggie: Me too, Brenna, only it's one of my sisters.
  If she says "you will love this" there is not another option.
 Brenna: my dad gives me books I've never heard of, would never in a million years stumble across
 Tesssa: I'm jealous. There's nobody I trust that much. You guys come close. And Natalie. But... nope.
Brenna: well, my dad and I have very similar tastes, which is a pretty rare thing for me. my tastes are very eclectic
 Tessa: One might even say... alien. ;)
Brenna: I'm cataloging miscellany for my home planet
 Maggie: I KNEW IT.

Thanks for tuning in!


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