Take the quiz:
"What dragon species are you? (Stunning pics)"
Psi Dragon
You knew you'd get this result didnt you? the psi dragopn is more like a spiritual or host of dragon. You have the sixth sense of premonition and knows things before they happen, hence giving you an advantage over most of your adversaries. You feel you are smart and significantly better then all others
Take the quiz:
"What is your inner Demon?"
Black Tormenter
The black tormenter is a demon who gets off from causing torturous pain such as stabbing, asphixiation whipping etc. You love to see the faces of pain and torment. you would have probably had a pretty fucked up childhood.
Yeah...Brittany knows about this....
Take the quiz:
"//WHat seXuaL pOsItIon ARe You((((PICTURES))))"
(((Hmm...HOT N BOTHERED EY?...Its CoOl...No ONe CAn pLeaSE yOu bEtTer tHan uRsELf aNd yOU makE suRE of THat)))
Take the quiz:
"What High School Stereotype Are You?"
You're normal. You don't quite fit into a label, you just are.Congratulations on being boring and plain.