(no subject)

Nov 19, 2011 21:03

Hey, guess what time it is?

Yuletide time!

So, here's my Dear Author letter:

First, thank you so very much for offering one of the things I've requested.

Second, some general stuff:
  • I'm not particularly picky when it comes to rating. I'll be just as happy with a gen story as I would with a mature or higher rating and vice versa, I promise. All I ask there is that the rating suit the story. Please don't feel obligated to force something into a certain rating if it feels wrong to you.
  • I am such a sucker for backstory and continuing stories, seeing what happened before we met the character(s) or after the end of the canon. That said, I'm totally cool with stuff set mid-canon as well.
  • I'm low on squicks but I would prefer to avoid pregnancy, babies and small children where at all possible. It's not a squick, it's just that stories about babies and kids usually bore me. Sorry.

Third, specific requests:
  1. The Avengers - I grew up watching this show and I love it so much. I'd just be thrilled to see more for Emma and Steed regardless of what they're up to or when it's set. I would prefer that if it's set during or after the episodes Emma is in, that they not be currently romantically involved with each other, but if you've got a good idea for it, by all means run with it.
  2. Chronicles of Riddick - I would adore gap-story stuff for Jack/Kyra mostly because I think it's a fascinating and unaccounted-for time for the character.
  3. Grosse Pointe Blank - I only asked for Martin, but I'd be perfectly happy to have Debi, Marcella and/or Paul around too but I didn't want to require anyone in particular. And I know I mentioned post-movie in my details, but if you've got a different idea for the character, go for it.

In general I'm pretty flexible and just happy to be getting something for Yuletide. I hope you have fun and please don't hesitate to go through the mods if you really need me to give more details or answer a question.
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