Mar 17, 2008 22:04
Finally, as of about ten minutes ago, I got this deadly headache mostly under control. If I don't bend or run up stairs or laugh, it doesn't much hurt. My head started aching at about 11AM. Maybe earlier. I no longer remember.
I realize I whine about every headache I get lately, and I also realize that I have to stop. Stunningly bad headaches were kind of a constant in high school, but at some point I stopped getting them. So now when they occur--well, it's like throwing up--if you don't do it much, it's an Event. Of course, now they are Not So Much Events again. At least I've not had the kind of headache that I had most often in high school, where I would wake up in the middle of the night sobbing because it felt like someone had applied a C-clamp to my occipital bone and started tightening.
No, now I only question why in hell humans have so many damn sinuses.
I know, I know. There are theories. Sinuses help our voices resonate, maybe. Or they make our heads lighter, so we can hold them up easier (whatever). Or, sinuses heat and moisturize air. Something. Dragon. As theories go, they all suck. It's all a conspiracy. The aliens introduced sinuses into our genome just to keep us down. (You know. The aliens. Don't make me explain this further.) They knew that between sweeping weather shifts causing changes in pressure and good old fashioned infections, humans would never get anywhere fast as long as we had sinuses. This way, we'll still be useless fodder by the time they return to eat us.
Damn aliens.