Oct 18, 2004 19:37
She felt the guilt of wanting something she knew she could never have. This thing she was so desperate for was a family she knew and trusted. She felt the longing of not having what she felt was most important to her sanity. Although, she had mixed feelings about this, she knew if she didn’t have this family then someone else would, she felt bad about wanting for some other poor innocent girl to have this so-called family. On the other had, she longed to have family that she knew she could come to in her time of need, rather than being bundled up inside herself. She was torn apart by the agony of her wants and wishes. The very thought of this agony drew her closer to the thought of murder.
She was so unhappy with not only herself but her life, she felt helpless. To get herself over this she decided taking to admiring others would be the way to go. She felt as though she was too heavy, her hair was always messy, she had braces and never dressed stylish enough.
More of my depressing story! well its crap right now but remember suggestions!!! I NEED SUGGESTIONS!!