May 15, 2008 13:55
Hi, everybun! My tummy was off again last night. Just ‘cause I groom every hour I’m awake and I’m currently getting rid of my winter coat, my tummy gets all funny. Mom spent the nite (the hole nite) stroking my tummy and (with the Buck’s help) giving me icky tasting meddy-sins. Ringo kept an eye on me, too - you could tell he was concerned. Mom even called Ms. No Nonsense (at 1:30 am) for her advise. I ended up in the bed with Mom in my Carry Box with a heaty pad under it. The Buck moved to the Couch in hopes of one of them getting some rest. With all the meddies in me and Mom’s tummy rubs, I was feeling better and eating around 3:30 am. Mom kept me with her a bit longer and opened the Carry Box door to give me more tummy rubs. Well, I was feeling better, so I hopped out! I egg-splored the Bed. I’ve been in the 2foots’ Nest Room, but never on top of the Bed. It’s soft and high and very fun to run on! Mom herded me back into the Carry Box after a little bit - she’s no fun! Anyway, Mom stayed home with us today to keep an eye on me (she keeps checking my poos! I’m pooing - not a lot, but I’m doing my best!) and to get some rest. How much rest do 2foots need, anyway? What do they do at Werk all those hours? Don’t they sleep there?