(no subject)

Jun 30, 2006 20:32

-lunch with kat! (and my mommy) fun fun!
-Tilly and the Wall concert with gloria, kat, amanda, and others. OH and i saw a boy that i'm friends with on myspace, but i was too afraid to say hello. the show was pretty much amaaaaazing.

(was incredible)...why?


-my mom and i went to the bank, tried to get euros, blah blah, won't be in for a week, etc.
-then we went to walmart and bought shampoo and straw hats. and a mango.
-thennnn we hit good ol 45 and I-10 to the galleria. and of course the first place we went was urban outfitters. eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!! i bought so many clothes. it was glorious. then, i hit up delia's = nothing exciting enough to buy, then, gap = blah..not urban enough. and then my mommy and i shared a slice of cheesecake from the cheesecake factory. delicious.
-then we headed off to the other urban (in rice village)! ehehehehe i bought some more clothes.
-then, half price book store...ok don't laugh, but i bought a calculus book. i'm really nervous about trying calculus again...miss williams screwed me over hardcore senior year, and pretty much told me flat out that i am awful at math and that i should never try it again. but the book is adorable. the whole thing is this story about a prince and he has to figure things out with calculus, or something. so i'm actually excited to finally understand calculus. whatever.
-then we had dinner at tortilla's, the best mexican food restaurant i've ever been to. so good that i took pictures of the restaurant after we finished eating. magnificent.
-and now i am ready to settle down for a nice shower, reading time, and then to bed.
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