Title: Jun Loved Aiba. Really.
moonbyrdRating: G
Pairing: MatsuJun/Aiba
Disclaimer: I don't even own an uchiwa! ;_;
Notes: 20 minute drabble! Because I keep getting stalled on what I'm supposed to be working on for
beckerbell. This is, ah, a little place-holder, I guess. >.>
Jun loved Aiba. Really. He did.
Oh, sure, the adorable high pitched giggle could get to be annoying after ten minutes of Aiba’s laughing at Jun’s expense. Especially when accompanied by that miserable ferret Nino’s victorious cackle. Jun would appreciate hearing less of that.
But Jun loved Aiba.
And Aiba could be less clumsy. For a man who could dance so well, Aiba had a bad habit of running into costume racks and storage units. Jun still thought Aiba could have at least reimbursed him for the broken bottles of nail polish, but Sho had bought him an entire rainbow of colors for his birthday, so Jun had let it slide,
Because he loved Aiba. Honestly.
Aiba had a tendency toward foolishness. Sometimes he failed to approach rehearsals with the proper gravity and dedication, preferring to play little games while Jun was trying to practice. Jun didn’t really mind that, as long as Aiba’s stupid Kanjani friend didn’t show up. The Kanjani members were all obnoxious heathens. But Jun would tolerate Yoko despite the shouted conversations and stupid Kansai drawl.
Because. He loved Aiba.
And it would be great if Aiba would stop double-teaming with Sho to try to make Jun eat double his body weight in one sitting. The human stomach simply did not stretch that far. It didn’t want to stretch at all, if Sho or Aiba was doing the cooking. Jun would be far happier if he didn’t have to keep eating purple scrambled eggs.
He really, truly, loved Aiba.
Aiba would also do well to stop making the pouty, puppy-dog-eyes expression. It made him look like some sort of misshapen, bulbous goldfish, and Jun had told him so repeatedly. But that didn’t stop Jun from automatically clearing his schedule to make way for Aiba’s stupid whined requests. Jun hated that.
But. Jun loved Aiba, so he coped. He had coped for years.
So when Aiba jumped on him at the end of the third encore and crushed Jun’s lips with his own, in front of twenty thousand screaming fangirls and countless video cameras, Jun knew that he loved Aiba.
He just wasn’t sure if that was reason enough not to kill him.