Quick note

Jul 19, 2006 18:44

Pres Bush handed down his first veto EVER while in office over a republican/democrat supported bill (eveon Orin Hatch supported it, and he is a huge Mo) over stem cell research. 63 members of the senate signed off on the bill....63. 4 short of an override... I got a slew of e-mails from NOW, Hillary Clinton, John Kerry, MoveOn....etc. It is incredible. What an messed up system of nonrepresentation we have going on here.

In news more close to home, Josh made an impromptu trip up to Bellingham today and will be making his way over to Pullman tomorrow. I am excited to have him close to me again. He is helping me pick up the pieces here and there. As for the adored ones that live in Bellingham, my thoughts are with you. Even if things don't turn out to be "back to normal," things will be okay at the end of the day... at least that has become my mantra. May not be true, but it is reassuring

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