Reconnecting and getting back on track!

Sep 28, 2009 01:00

For a long time now I’ve kind of dropped off the internet. Part of the reason was that I didn’t have internet service, but even before that I’d kind of retreated from a lot of the forums and groups I was involved in. (Even the ones I created like my own website.)

One of the main reasons is that I’ve just been so busy. I’ve been going to about one con a month, which doesn’t sound like a lot… but there is so much planning and prep involved in the room, travel and table arrangements not to mention making the thousands of buttons I take with me that it can really eat up time. Besides the cons, I have a full time job and have gotten involved with a local anime club that’s started to put on quarterly “mini-cons.” I’m on the board of the club so I’ve been really involved. It seemed that every time I turned around I was late on doing something that had to be done IMMEDIATELY. Submit this application to a con, placate this angry customer at work, book this hotel, draw this for club, go do this promotion… So a lot of things I enjoyed, like drawing just to draw, discovering new anime and manga and most especially keeping up with the wide array of friends I have across the globe just kind of dropped off the radar. As did actually moving into my house. I moved into my house in May (after finalizing the purchase in January), and all this activity has kept me from moving the bulk of my belonging from the old apartment to my house. It’s family owned, so there wasn’t a rush… but jeeze… It’s been 9 months and I still have to visit my parents to when I want to read a book or find an art supply. I could have given them a grandchild in that time, I should at least be able to give them back storage space.

Checking in on someone’s facebook or livejournal doesn’t sound like a necessary thing, nor does checking out a new anime or just sketching. But I’ve lost touch with a lot of good friends, and that isn’t good. My day job is suffering, because I’m so tired that my focus isn’t there. I still get everything done there, but I feel like it takes me longer to get things accomplished which makes me feel rushed and annoyed. And my con enjoyment is slipping because my buttons are getting stale… I don’t know the current jokes and memes, because I’m not in the community as much anymore. I don’t mind not being on the bleeding edge, but I miss being able to kibbitz on what this author is doing, and plots on tv shows as they air… It’s really the most fun way to experience an anime, manga or any tv show, it’s just not as much fun when you’re experiencing it in a vacuum.

And I haven’t been writing… something I find extremely stress-relieving and rewarding. It’s also the main way I communicate with people, so it’s been the main reason I’ve lost touch with so many cool and interesting people.

So! What am I going to do about it?

I heard this bit of advice several places… take a calendar and put a goal on it and do it every day. Cross it off, every day. You don’t have to spend a lot of time on the goal, the standard recommendation is 15 minutes, but do it every day. They recommend making the resolution public so you have people who can hold you accountable.

So I’m going to write every day.

I’m going draw every day.

I’m going to do something in my house, every day.

Today I wrote this blog entry. Today I drew the little sketch in this entry. Today I emptied three boxes of craft items into my craft room. Tomorrow my sketch may only be a smiley face, and I might only make a twitter post (not that I’ve ever tweeted before, but it seems to be where everyone is “at” now) or forum post to write. I may only get rid of some cardboard tomorrow at the house. But I’m going to do something everyday. I’m tired of being upset with myself for not doing it.

resolutions, daily life

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