Goin' to Ohayocon! (2009 version!)

Jan 29, 2009 14:37

I've been in a bit of an internet hibernation for the latter part of this month. I did manage to close on my house on the 8th, though there was just as much drama as the rest of the process. (Lost keys, car accidents, giant 1950's fridges left it in the basement, misread meter readings, a whole boatload of stuff). But the house is mine! YAY!

Since my current situation allows it, I'm not moving in until I've painted and pulled up carpets in the first floor rooms. I've moved all my kitchen stuff over (Mostly gifts from this past Christmas and birthday, my Italian relatives have their priorities, lol!), but I don't own any furinture besides a ratty futon and lots and lots of bookshelves.. so I need to see about buying a bed, a couch, and probably a kitchen table would be good. Oh, and chairs. I've decided the dining room is going to be a libary, so I need taller bookshelves too. Or I might build something to fit.

Besides the house, I've also been preparing for the first con of the year, Ohayocon! Ohayocon 2009 is taking place this weekend Jan 30th - Feb 1st. I wonder if it being Superbowl weekend will effect it any? Ohayocon has always been fun for me, since I usually share a room with Mindy and see good friends like Fev. It's also the convention that I've had the most accidental brushes with guests, usually in elevators. It should be a good time, weather permitting. I'm a little annoyed with myself with how little I was able to prepare for this con, I usually like to have at least 4 new designs. But I only managed two.. not counting the ones that I made for Syracuse Heroes Expo that never got posted online in my store. And I didn't get them, or the two new ones. When I get back I want to post a littel bit about how I make my buttons (design them), since I acutally took screencaps of some of my progress. No one's ever really asked, but I do get a lot of questions asking if I'm on DeviantArt, so I suppose some people might be interested.

And since it is the one question I keep getting asked, yes I am working on my fanfiction. I'm currently working on Full Course, and have 15-20 pages written that need severe editing. I hope to update both it and Spotted! by mid-February. Of course I'm also hoping to have new bedroom, livingroom, and library painted by the end of February, so take that with a grain of salt.

house, cons, daily life, buttons

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