(no subject)

Aug 29, 2007 08:41

I have decided that it is probably about time to update this journal. Forgive any misspelled words...I don't have an r button.


After a few months of looking and after a month of lollygagging (not on our part) Chris and I have finally bought our house. We also finally got our stuff moved in....though most of it is out in the garage in boxes yet, or in the library in boxes. Today I get to clean out the bedroom of boxes...woohoo. Well hey, it isn't so bad because it is our place and in all honesty we could take as long as we want to clean and that...

Not that we want to seeing as we are camping in the back yard with my family this weekend (Dad hit a deer with another car so we can't go to the cabin).

I don't think you realize how wonderfully nice it is to have your own place until you do. Don't have to worry about parents, or siblings, or Landlords, or noisey upstairs neighbors. I will have to say though, that because we moved into an area where most of our neighbors are retired....well....they like to mow their lawns a lot. At least it is not at 5 or 6 in the morning though.

The only real problem that we have had is the puppy dog...well not so much a puppy. He has been shedding a lot lately, though I think it is because he is stressed and hasn't fully gotten used to the place yet. He also licks a lot...and very loudly....and he likes to steal the bath mat from the bathroom (even if we close the door) when we are not home or are sleeping...I still love him though. How can I not when everytime I get home or come out of a room he can see me in he shakes is tail so hard he almost falls over?

Well anyways...no idea who will read this but I thought it would be nice to update a little.

School starts in less than a week and I am a bit nervous...New school and all. It will be fine, but I do think I will miss UW Waukesha...ah well. This is life. Besides, Madison is really the place I should be...it just may take a little getting used to.

If you read, thank you and I hope that life is going well and that you have a good semester or year...or however long it will take me to write again and wish the same.

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