Xmas Nante Daikirai Promotion - Akanishi Jin [MU]

Feb 25, 2009 14:02

These are a couple of video files featuring Akanishi Jin promoting his first starring mini-drama Xmas Nante Daikirai in 2004.
no subs (but there are darts)

Shiodomedia Style 2004-12-13 -TV Bookmark-
this is a VTR appearance where Jin talks sweetly about his costar Kyoko Fukada. :)

Shiodomedia Style 2004-12-14 -Style SHOT-
this is an in studio interview where Jin talks even more sweetly about his poodle. :}
credit jbackhouse

a pin of a black poodle for a black poodle named Pin. hehehe

深田恭子, jin, *video, *drama promotion, 赤西仁

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