Aug 28, 2005 23:21
My trip to MD was okay. I say okay because other than having to spend time with my sister, was fine. We left Norfolk late because Tiffany couldn't seem to get the hell up out of bed. Traffic was terrible getting into MD and I drove most of the way while Tiffany slept...even though she was last to get up. We finally got to my uncle's house in Bowie after a 5 hour drive. Tiffany did drive a little at the end of the trip. As we were getting closer to my uncle's house Tiffany asked me to call her friend, Octavia (Tiffany lost her voice the day before and wasn't able to talk on the phone) to ask her if she could drive to MD and pick Tiffany up because..."she doesn't want to sleep at (uncle) Nat's house with all those old people." I tried to talk her out of trying to leave early...we hadn't even gotten there at this point and she was already making plans to skip out on the tri-birthday party (my dad and two uncles). Anyway, after making the call and telling Tiffany that Octavia wouldn't be able to drive to MD (an hour trip for her) to pick Tiffany up, Tiffany was already making plans to take my car (which we had driven to MD because she's not going to drive one of her two cars) to drive to her friend's house. So, when we got to my uncle's house they were all excited to see us (you know how older people are). Maybe four hours later, Tiffany took my car and left. Oddly enough, she left directly after my uncle's famous "cherish the time we have for it may be your last" speech.
The visit was fun. I reminisced with my uncles, talked about cooking with my aunt, hugged my parents any chance I could get, and hung out with my cousin for about 5 or 6 hours. This morning, when I woke up, I ate breakfast and talked with everyone who was there. Around 12ish my parents, aunt, uncle, cousin, and I visited my old, old "Aunt" Vashti (she's really my 3rd cousin's (Audra) grandmother). We left there at 3ish and my parents and I were on the road headed for Madison. By the time we got home....I was ready to shoot myself in the face. There's just so much time I can spend with the 'rents before I loose it. So, we get home...Tiff's already there and she tells us about her horrible time at Octavia's house. Apparently, Octavia's husband, of less than a year, is a crack addict. Prior to Octavia's wedding, Tiffany tried to "talk her out" of marrying him, but she did it anyway. They didn't talk for a little while after that, but they're fine now. As a result of the "talk"...the husband hates Tiffany. So, add someone you hate coming to your house, not knowing they were coming, and a lack of crack to a struggling crack-head....and you have a husband flipping out over stupid thing and actually flipping over tables, throwing computers, and threatening people. Well, let's just say that Tiffany had to sleep up against the door that night. So, she's telling us this story and my parents are giving impute as parents do...and then it's time to leave.
It's a little after 5 when we leave Madison for Norfolk. So, I'm agitated as it is..and now I have to drive three fuckin' hours. Oh, "hell to the no." Long story, short...we get on each other's nerves. If it's not Tiffany giving me weird, "I'm so disgusted" looks because I open my mouth and make that weird saliva sound....then it has to be because I'm singing just under my breath in my OWN FUCKING CAR when she's not sleeping.....or maybe she was just pissed that she wanted to try and new, faster way to get home which just got us lost...then she make me pull over and let her drive just so she can go through the toll THREE MORE TIMES!!!! All I know is that I chain smoked like a mother fucker, turned us my i-pod so I didn't have to hear her, let her get as lost as she wanted, and later went to sleep. It's stupid stuff that she has a problem, I was smoking while I was driving and she complain about the smoke. Then, an hour later SHE STARTS SMOKING!!!! She complains that while she was sleeping she could hear my music through my earphones, but when I'm sleeping she TURNS UP THE FUCKIN' RADIO!!! She's just an inconsiderate, selfish, B-I-T-C-H...BI-OTCH! After a while, my chest started to hurt due to the anger build up. I don't really confront my sister...I usually just say, "okay." But, just before I was going to sleep....I was so angry and she made a comment about what I had just asked in a stupid voice....I lost it....I screamed, "I WAS JUST FUCKING ASKING!!! GOD DAMNIT!!!!" It shut her up for a little while...that and getting us lost helped her shut the fuck up.
Well, thanks for listening to my rant...I need sleep now.