School Lunch

Aug 03, 2010 13:16

I recently discovered the blog about a teacher eating the same school lunch that is served to her students. I have to say, it looks pretty similar to what I remember from my few years in public school. Private school food was definitively better, all around. Thinking back on school lunch at public school I particularly remember three lunches:

My favorite: Tuna box lunch, which was tuna salad, a soft pretzel and ... something? Possibly some kind of overcooked veg. We were only allowed 2 condiment packets in 3rd grade because people were taking too much (and Holly would sneak mustard packets and eat them in class.)

The one I was surprised to hate: Pizza. It was rectangular, the 'cheese' often slid off and wasn't stretchy, the sauce was icky. And again, over cooked veg, since our food was just the high school and middle school's leftovers.

The special: Thanksgiving/Christmas special, which was one of my first experiences with canned cranberry jelly. The turkey was dry, the stuffing and mashed potatoes unremarkable, but it was very different from the kind of food I ate at home, and totally unusual for school lunch, so it was special. And I think that everyone ate it, and no one brought lunch that day.

What memories do other people have of school lunch?
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