*does a happy dance*

Jul 29, 2004 10:25

Hi Meredith,

The housing coordinator in Paris was able to find you a new host family where you will live by yourself and not with another IES student. This is usually extremely difficult to do so I am happy they were able to make the change. I am told, however, that no other changes will be possible at this time.  Please let me know if you have any questions.

Thank you,


YAY!!! My IES liason, Maureen Brady, ROCKS!!! I will be living with Monsieur et Madame de Pommery!! And I'm still RIGHT IN PARIS, actually quite close to the other woman who I was originaly scheduled to stay with. I'm less than two football fields away from the subway station and less than half a mile from the river! OOOOH what's better? I'll be a 1/4 of a mile away from the Eiffel Tower and a mile and a half from Musée du Louvre!! See, I wasn't kidding when I said I am RIGHT in Paris! I'll have culture and a view!

I think I will call my host family tomorrow. I'm kind of nervous because my French REALLLLY sucks right now... I hope they can understand me!
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