Nov 11, 2008 09:50
so yeah im just chilling on the 5th floor doing a hw party with a bunch of ppl. the floor is covered in scraps of paper and glue sticks. nate just made us mac and cheese wit his hot water plastic kettle. it was amazing! better than dinner back at 6. my tummy was screaming for real food, not just nasty dish of crap.
ne major...Agriculture...i want to play wit the plants and be a farmer but not really. it would be kewl to just do landscaping and stuff like that. so wat is physical labor, i will have a hot body so sooooooon.
i cant wait to have the hottest body ever!
=D i will be a sex kitten.
ohhhh yeah, so this creeper of a kid Brandon Genest, i just got him to finally stop talking to me!
he is a super catholic, pro life, against sex before marriage, pro no birth control, and pretty much everything that i am not. but i freaked out on him when he was telling me his reasons for y he doesnt want gay marriage. now, when ppl say shit against gay marriage, i tend to freak, and for good reason. so he was like i dont think it is right because a man and a man can not create a child so its not natural. i was pulling out that some places wont let gay couples adopt cuz places only allowed married couples adopt. and he had nothing on me. ASSHOLE! i also was like "i cant stand bible freaks like u cuz u dont adopt to the new age thinking and only follow a book of stories." some other kewler stuff
so yeah, im starting to kewl from that...some ppl...just jerks that dont know how to think.