Apr 29, 2004 07:11
yesterday could have been my new worst day ever! here's what happened. I woke up at 6:00 and started on my homework. Becca called at 7:30 and i was trying to say "call me when ur leaving" like i always do but instead i said "call me tomorrow" ok so that didnt start my day off very well. I went in to shave my legs cuz the last time i shaved i had missed a few spots, only to figure out that i needed to shave all over again! UGH! then i went to the bus stop in my skirt :( and it was sooooooo cold so i went and stood in the street so i could be in the sun. Um yeah got on the bus nothing happend. all was good. um yeah nothing bad really happnd till homeroom when i realized that i hadnt gone to the attendance office to get permission to leave earlie. so i asked ms.Owens if i could go and do that and she let me. um yeah then went to humanities... not really nething spiffy, i missed @least 47 roots on our test cuz i left them blank. HEHEHEHE.. um yeah then i went to spanish, the game was totally lame, no one was talking at my table, i mean gina and devin were but they were talking bout stuff i dont know about... Um yeah then went to lunch... almost every1 left to go into the gym again! neways then went to math started freaking out cuz i had to leave for festival in 30 min. But um corrected math homework missed 10 WOOPS! yeah then he was explaining what we were supposed to be doing but i had to leave.. so i left no one said bye or wished me luck :( xcept hanna. um yeah got to festival and were like a half hour earlie. i only had one of my songs and we were gettin ready to line up to go in but my teacher wasn't there with my other song yet so um yeah like 2 min before we went in she gets there and looks at my outfit, goes "o i like your flower it matches your skirt, cute shoes" then she looks at the heel and goes " i hope you've practiced pedaling in those its gonna be hard ur not gonna do very well" then we go in im soooooooo nervous! and im 4TH! 4TH not 3 or 5 but 4th OMG! that just pissed me off.. and nothing bad to asians but there were 4 asians out of 6 ppl in my class.. pretty scary! (NO IM NOT RACIST) um yeah the 3 that played before me did a really good job and hardly messed up... i go up to the piano start to play fiesta mexicana and i know exactly what i need to play but for some reason i kept getting the wrong notes! i was like freaking out but some how i managed to get to the end. and then i had to sit there every1 looking at me until the judge told me to play my other song. but in that time that i was waiting i almost started to cry. i know its stupid but my teacher is just a bitch and if i dont get a superior she yells at me! and i didnt want my mom to be dissapointed in me and i was dissapointed in myself because i have never messed up that much but luckily i didnt cry.. and i played my other song. and only messd up 1nce in that so i stood up and bowd. In the middle of my second song my nose started to run and my leg that i was pedaling with was shaking like a mofo! and i couldnt get it to stop and it was just a bad thing all together + the pedal was really really stiff! and yeah then i itched my elbow forgetting that there was a scab there and um i kinda made it start bleeding but i didnt realize it and the next two ppl played and the very last person had the same choice piece as me! OMG I WAS SO PISSED OFF! and um yeah neways so then we went outside of the piano room and stood in the waiting room and i saw mom and grandma and then the lady gave us our certificates and i somehow got a Superior! yey and i get to get my gold cup on may 22nd. and then i lookd down and realized that my elbow was bleeding so mom and i went to the bathroom to get it to stop. and then when i came out byars (piano teacher) was there and yeah i told her that i got a superior and she was telling me that he graded me wrong, and that i didnt deserve that grade, and that it was the worst playing she's ever heard, it was all sloppy and messy and horrible! rite in front of my mom which made me almost cry. and my mom was like well the judge liked it thats the only person who matters i thought she did well. and byars was like NO it was horrible i dont know wat he was thinking! neways then she left to go teach. and i signed up to play angels voices at my gold cup. and yeah then we got in the car and um yeah went to albertsons.. and i scraped the rest of my scab off of my elbow... on the seatbelt on accident. so i went to the bathroom, got it all better then mom bought me a starbux strawberry creme frappachino.. yumm! i just realized that i would have rather had something with coffee but i wanted to try it so o well.. said hi to rovina, wendy and caroline. got in the car and mom made me go back to school! so i went back, went to the last 15 min of science and mrs. davis had called my name so she asked me a question about the planet that has the most rings.. apparently its saturn but i didnt know that so she was killing me with the rocket lol no she didnt kill me neways she forgot to give me a packet or a brown sheet.. so yeah went to homeroom tried to talk to some1. but they seemd annoyed with me so i just left it alone. and um yeah then came home, went out to dinner, went to tani's went to play tennis at westview.. i sukd! and it just wasn't good but at least it gave us a chance to talk. neways then yeah came back to tani's house accidently ran into pookie and then i hit my toe on tani's chair and it just was a bad day! came home and was waitin for some1 to get on IM finally they did at like 10:00 when i was supposed to be leaving and i asked them a question and they kinda just denied it and blamed it on me. and then askd me a question that mad me cry! and yeah then i went to sleep. um yeah that was my day. o i have an unexpectd visitor staying with me for a while.. so yeah, i meant to do my homework last nite but i just didnt so i got up to do the science october sky thing. and tonite i have to do the WHOLE HUMANITIES PROJECT! cuz merissa being a smart 1 hasn't started it yet! and its due tomorrow.. neways now i need to go get ready for school. i'll update 2nite prolly