Jul 09, 2004 21:49
ok... so lets c.. yesterday was thursday rite? ok so for some reason i woke up at 9:00 and took a shower and got ready.. (for nothing!) and then i started watching Marry Poppins (by myself) but i kept being interrupted. by the fone... jake... grandma... hunger.. u no :) neways so then i got on IM and kevin (my brother) called and said he was comin over to use our comp. so then yeah i watched a little bit more of Marry Poppins... but then got interrupted by... i forget wat.. neways then kevin got here used the internet.. and then finished watching marry poppins with me! i luv my brother! and i luv marry poppins.. with all the cherry singing! ahh i like pete the best (aka dick van dike! ahhhh the name craks me up!) neways then lets c becca got back from swimming.. mom and i went to the store to get somethings for my "friend." :) neways and we got chicken for dinner then i went to becca's and we left to go watch em's last softball game. They started late the other teams parents were complaining that the umpire didnt have a uniform (it wasnt a real ump! it never is!) a;lkdnd stupid bitches! lol sorry so neways i ate a pretzel from the consession stand wow it was nasty... and since em's team started late we were watching this other game and we couldnt tell if they were younger than us or our age... but the pitcher on the maroon team #13! HOTTTT lol becca.. neways yeah the maroon team looked like our age the white team lookd like 7th graders so i was very confused then on the other field was little little boys and this one kid was running to first base and his helmit was falling off and aww he was so cute runnin tryin to hold to his helmitt awwwww sooo cute lil kids are.. neways then em's game started and she was first to bat. and she got to walk to first base because the ball almost hit her. and then yeah so then she stole second and third... and then she finally got a run! i think the first one of the season for her! GO EMILY... neways then we left and met mom at 6:30 and went to the stupid makeup party it was stupid. then i came home and started playing the piano at like 10 or 10:30 and played until 11:13 (while being on the fone) tani got her own lil special concert... for one call 503-690-2505 and i will play while talking to you on the fone! :) lol ok neways so yeah then i got off the fone and worked on cleaning my room for 2 hours! wowza i was up till 1:04 cleaning. then today i got up at 9:00 and listend to the friday flashback for an hour then called tani.. o then i talked to kaitlyn for a lil... hmm some interesting things are about to happen in the near future i think... neways then i took a shower.. and um watched tv for a bit.. found a book to read for the summer reading thing that we have to do. and yeah then came home and Skip came over to fix my computer but it isnt fixed cuz he didnt no wat the matter with it was.. so neways yeah then i went to get godfathers with mom and we saw my kindergarten teacher!! OMG I HAVNT SEEN HER IN 4EVER it was weird she is now living over by jacob wismer.. where she teaches still.. ahh i luv it.. (i went to kindergarten at kinnaman) incase u didnt know that. neways yeah then i came home ate my pizza and breadsix and then went to beccas and we went to rock creek and we saw guy and some dude that we couldnt tell who it was.. and just talked and then we went back to beccas and played crusin' and then i came home and here i am.. writing in this.. so yeah 2morrow kaitlyn is picking me up at 12:00 and i am going back to her house to help cook something and then we are going to this party thing where her and i are gonna bus tables to get a lil bit of money.. plus to help out these people.. neways its gonna b so cool.. we are gonna get home at like 1:00 in the mornin and i'm spendin the nite then going to my dads at like 11 or 12 or whenever jill wants to take me! haha or Mike wants to get rid of me.. :) i know he loves me neways yeah so thats basically all.. so i will update sunday nite i guess. p.s. sorry to any guy who was reading this :) if you dont know why then thats a good thing! ahh i havnt talked to
"someone" all day and its drivin me crazy