Jan 06, 2006 00:52
I have just watched John Mayer perform three times on Ellen Degeneres and I am not even close to getting sick of the way his arm muscles tense when he's playing.
You know that sickly, I-can't-eat feeling that curls in the pit of your stomach when you're anxious? It was amplified today, when I stupidly upset a good friend and missed a good party. Sometimes I need to learn when to keep my stupid mouth shut, when to just accept things and work them out later on. But it made me stomach sick, I couldn't do anything today but curl up on the bus and stare anxiously out the window. Little pangs of guilt were poking at me. BUT. With a carefully timed phonecall and a willingness on my friends part to listen to me be a complete overly-sensitive YOB, everything has worked out. Which leaves my insides nice and squishy.
In other news, chicken grease doesn't come out of clothing. The chicken lubricant that is unavoidable at work has etched itself into my uniform permanently. It is the grease of DOOM.
Also, I hate elementary school children.
Yesterday, me and Matt went to Chapters/Starbucks and he made me wait for him ten minutes. But that is not the whole story. Also, I bought plain coffee and he ordered a frappuccino which I insisted would shorten his life. And then we did not find the book on Metallica we were looking for, but I found a surprisingly nice book on Irish folk music. Matt cackled gleefully at the book entitled Erotic Art through the Ages. We saw my lifedrawing teacher who is recovering from an operation for prostate cancer drinking coffee. We terrorized Dominion, and scandalized pharmacists by asking how many calories were in multivitamins.
Anyway, the point of this story is that when we finally got on the bus to go back home it was full of screaming, obnoxious grade eight students who feel that's it's necessary to scream "yo guy, this is our stop," while reaching across me to poke a girl in a jacket SO short, and SO bubbly, it looked like she was wearing a bra with a fur hood. I think it upsets me because I was just as stupid at their age.
Anyway. Will be posting art later.