teaching a drawing class this fall, it's going to be much like what i did with melissa miller
http://cm.aces.utexas.edu/grad/hhillerova/worksonpaper.htmlsign up!
the fecal face put me on yesterday, you got to scroll down on the left to see it
http://www.fecalface.com/open.html i am going to santa fe next week to hang out with 'keepadding' and be a part of this show they organize at the Art Institute there
czech it out at
http://www.keepadding.com/website/index.htmlthey have yet to put me stuff on thee site
mista coolquitt is coming back to town
me, him, dave bryant and don mullins are going to marfa this weekend
i am going to drive to chicago on the 4th to be part of the fresh-up club show at the Stray Show