johor bahru - day trip part 1...

Jun 24, 2006 13:10

On Thursday, spawnily and I decided to check out the yummy food and shopping places in our neighbouring Johor Bahru...

Suffice to say, we ate lots, shopped non-stop, ate more, witness a death scene, ate and ate some more...

Here's the evidence, just follow the running Green Man...

The first thing we did upon crossing the Causeway was to change currencies. Here's the exchange rate then:

SGD 100 = RM 229

And the NEXT thing we did was... buy snacks!!!

Yummy pastries at the coffee shop after passing the Malaysian customs...

Then we headed immediately to our first stop, City Square, where we spent almost the entire afternoon. Check out the Uniquely Singapore stall there to know how much of this place belongs to Singapore investors...

City Square, Johor Bahru

After walking around a bit to get our bearings (well, mine anyway, since spawnily was pretty familiar with the place already)...

We settled on the following restaurant...

Delicious chicken set meals at Robin's Portugese Chicken...

After this lunch (actually breakfast for both of us), we shopped and looked at imitation shoes (some very well designed, alas doesn't fit my feet), then sat down for a drink at...

Could this Tang Tea House be the same one that is so popular in Hong Kong? Doubt it. Anyway, the coffee + tea drink I had was good, but service lacking...

Okay, right after we finished the drink and were on the way for desserts, we noticed people crowding the parapets overlooking the mall atrium. Being curious by nature, we followed the gazes and discovered a tragedy had just occured!

Someone had fallen from 4 storeys and landed right onto the atrium's floor where some exhibition construction was being carried out! We couldn't determine who the person was, but he or she was killed and covered with a white plastic sheet...

Red arrows shows the path on which the person must have fallen and being taken away...

There wasn't much we could do except gape and send a prayer for the deceased person, and maybe ponder for a moment how fragile life can be...

So while we are still living and breathing, let's make the most of it and be happy!

And what could make us happier than to indulge in more food?

Stay tuned for Part 2 of our JB food and shopping adventure!

death, johor bahru, food, vacation

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