das experiment: black box...

Oct 03, 2008 01:35

Some of you folks who had known me for some time would know that I used to be pretty active in theatre productions, and that for the past two years since "Forbidden City - Portrait of an Empress", I have not been involved in any...

Well, some things have changed (I have changed), and after steering clear of all the drama on/off stage, I have been bitten by the theatre bug once again!

Today marked the first rehearsal and reading for the new play...

Das Experiment: Black Box

14-29 November 2008
Far East Square
The Pavilion
28 China Street

$40* Adults Fri-Sat
$36* Adults Tue-Thur/Sun
$28* Students Tue-Sun
(* Excludes SISTIC fee)
Tickets through SISTIC

This is a Blank Space Productions (a division of Escape Theatre) in collaboration with Goethe-Institut Singapore, based on an acclaimed novel by Mario Giordano, and a German movie of the same title...

The story is based on an actual incident, the Stanford Experiment, in 1971, and sees a group of volunteers at a makeshift prison, taking part in a two-week experiment that analyses the behaviours of a controlled prison environment...

Half the volunteers posed as prison guards while the other half as prisoners. Very soon, the personalities and situations began to get out of hand with the threat of complete chaos and death...

Directed by Samantha Scott-Blackhall and produced by Claude Girardi, this world-wide premiere's extraordinary cast includes:

Beatrice Chia-Richmond, Gerald Chew, Claude Girardi, Jimmy Taenaka, Jonathan Lim, Rodney Oliveiro, R. Chandran, Koey Foo, Andrew Lua, Per Theodor Paulsen, Rick Macivor, Sazali Othman, Oliver Pang, Karl Chaundy, and myself, Edric Hsu...

And here are the photos of the full cast, together with the director Samantha and production stage manager Yvonne Yuen, taken just now...

Our middle of nowhere rehearsal space
Those interested to watch the show and would like to save 20% off the above ticket prices, we could arrange to meet up at any of the SISTIC counters, and I could get the discount by showing them my actor's pass...

I'm excited for tomorrow's activity already, as instead of a rehearsal, we will all be playing an outdoor Laser Tag game in a getting-to-know-you-while-shooting-you session!!! :-)

my shows, das experiment black box, escape theatre, centre stage school of the arts

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