Apologies and a petiton.

Dec 19, 2009 16:54

I'm so sorry I haven't been posting, everything's been mental, I've been ill and now it's christmas and I have exams coming up next month. Argh why does everything happen at once?! Anyway I have a ton of half written fics, plus I'm almost finished with another chapter of Wrong so that should be up soon, like in the next few days, Sorry again.

On a totally unrelated note, if you live in the UK then sign this petition. petitions.number10.gov.uk/NBSRuleChange/

This is what it is all about: The National Blood Service currently allow straight men to donate blood if they THINK they dont have any STDs. This leaves the blood supplies open to lots of infections and diseases. Some of you may argue that the blood is tested anyway, so this doesn't matter. Then why do they not allow gay men (men who have had sex with another man) to donate blood, even if they have been tested for any STDs. The NBS claim that it takes up to a year for any HIV to show in the blood tests. Fair enough... What about protected sex then. Condoms are used to protect yourself from the infections out there. Still, no gay men cannot give blood if they have only had protected sex. So why are the straight men who go around having unprotected sex with any woman they see allowed to give blood. Surely this could pass on HIV or any other STD that hasn't shown up in the blood tests... Contradiction comes to mind. This petition is not only to stop the discrimination within the NBS, but to try and prevent ANY diseases entering the blood stocks.


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