destitude. solitude. we are all makers of our own sin. burn bright and live high amoung the vast darkness. escape through the sliver of doors that give us our last chance into another demension. As we tell our stories there are truths we choose to forget to mension. The brushing of our forearms gives a certain connection of desires. The most passionate things for me have always proven to be mischeivious and devious. All the moral no's have turn into spontainious and desireful yeses. Inside ourselves we hold a place for scandal and let it operate on such shakey conditions. Lonliness is becoming a spreading diease we are frantically trying to cure. We strike so close to home bc we know the limits and the guidelines, and the layout of the situation. In the end the person we were trying to protect will become our victim and we wont have a choice against the true aspect of our feelings. they will be caught on the end of an invisible line realing.
we want so much,but the end come out with so little.
and we keep walkng.