So, my intent was to use lj mostly to post the some of the better parts of the gigantic backlog of fic I wrote for Doctor Who while I was alternatively archive binging the show while it was still on youtube and getting fed up with it on occasion. Very little of it has ever been posted online for various reasons, and I was kinda hoping that maybe joining here would give me a chance to get more into the fandom and allow me to continue working on some of the better projects that I had forgotten about.
But, alas and alack, my old computer died while I was backing it up a few months ago, and it turns out one of the seemingly random files that I didn't salvage was my nearly-100,000 word collection of assorted mind vomit and gleaming gems of Doctor/Rose adorableness. I don't know how, and I don't know why, but without government-level data recovery tools, there's no way I'm getting anything off of that dead, formatted hard drive. Which kinda throws a monkey-wrench into my plans.
Namely, the plans that I had to write some Danny Phantom for my poor, dejected handful of fans over on while I put whovian-type things on here. Now, all I have are drabbles and a few more recent fics I've written and haven't put into the giant file I was hoarding (well, and the sparse nonsensery that's scrawled in my various notebooks, most of which was only held in any state of completion on my computer).
Nothing was outstandingly groundbreaking enough that I miss it (at least not in my memory, though there was a lot of genuinely good writing that was lost), but still. I don't have much to show to the fandom at large and say "Hey! Look at me, I write well!" Unless I write new things now.
So I'm going to do a drabble dump or three, and then after that, I'll see what I have to work with time-wise and such. Maybe I'll start posting some other stuff on here that I actually have written. I don't know right now. I've put up claims on a couple of challenges (at
1sentence and
11_reasons), and I have some plans for those over time. And maybe, soon, there will actually be someone here to read some of it. :O
See y'all around, hopefully.