Title: Br88888888h
Fandom: Homestuck
Pairings/Characters: Vriska/John
Rating: K
Notes: The title can be read as either "Breathe" or "Breath", though I think I like it better as "Breath". I promise upon all of my honor that there won't be any of Vriska's quirk in the actual drabble (or anyone else's). Only 100 words anyways. Sorry about the dumb title. Really. Also, all punctuation (or lack thereof) is completely intentional.
(They met in the span of a breath.
She jumped to the end of the slow, preparing inhalation for their beginning.
They exchanged over the in-between moment of holding, outlasting. The inevitable hung, at the tipping point. The downward spiral would be their end.
Plans were executed; she died a four-leaf clover death. Heroic, just, or fluke, it persisted, and her dying words, whispered across an uncrossable chasm, died there. Out of air; out of day.)
(Many came after, burying it amongst a sea of releif and sameness.) (Its significance blurred, but he had time yet to breathe deeply again.