Dec 30, 2011 12:38
I'm mad. I am very, very mad. I spent most of the day yesterday converting old files that are in a format I can no longer open on my main computer into OpenOffice format. Tedious, but not really any big deal. I've been meaning to do it for a while, and I'm glad to finally be able to work on some projects I was in the middle of that were gathering dust. I was actually rather fortunate when it came to what was saved from the computer meltdown.
But today, lo and behold, I have two different copies of my file of Doctor Who drabbles. Each has a few that the other doesn't. I was extremely excited, but somehow, in the process of copying them over, I made some kind of idiot move and copied the ones I knew existed over the ones I'd forgotten about (and, thus, the ones that were backed up online over the ones that weren't). Then OpenOffice wouldn't let me undo. And my over-paranoid saving reflex kicked in at the worst possible moment.
So now, I lost four or five series 5/6 drabbles. They were good drabbles. And I'm just sick and tired of computer troubles. URGH. *headdesk*
I guess no-one will ever read this, but I feel a little bit better now. Still, UGH. Time to go write things.
doctor who,