Name: Sasha.
Nickname: Sachi, Sachibelle, Swatchi, Spoach, Bunny?
Age: 18
Likes: Broadway, Psychological horror, Chuck Palahniuk, Darren Aronofsky films, video games, beavers...There's more likely more than this.
Dislikes: Smoking. Drugs. Brats. Make-up. Popular fashion.
Talents: Singing, acting, dancing, voice acting, playing the piano/violin. I also have a knack for learning languages, and apparently, I sight-read very well.
Color: Red.
Food: Anything spicy enough nobody else will eat it. X3 Nyum~ And curry.
Animal: Foxes and Beavers. I just love them both.
Music type: I like music that tells a story, not only in lyrics, but in the instruments. I like the singer to be passionate about what they're saying, rather than just dully reciting lyrics. If they play off the screaming tastefully, I may listen to it, but for the most part, I can't stand screaming music. I also am not much of a fan of electric guitars, but there are songs with electric guitars that I will make exceptions for. I'm picky with my music, I guess.
Mermaid princess (and why): Well...I have to say Lina. If only because she's voiced by Mayumi Asano. ;___; Her singing voice is relaxing, but still powerful. Not to mention, she's goofy in her own little serious way. Gotta love that. ;3
Leader or Follower: Ohhh, leader all the way.
Speaker or Listener: Speaker, by far.
Persistant or Weak-willed: Some people wish I weren't persistant, but I am.
Outgoing or Shy: What do you think based on these answers so far? XD
What do you look for in the opposite sex?:
I look for someone who is interesting and doesn't take things seriously. If there's one thing I can't stand, it's somebody who's serious all the time. I want someone who will be my best friend and my lover, not just a romantic type who will change their personality at the drop of a hat. I don't want somebody who's super romantic, since I find it all really corny, personally, and I'll get irritated if they keep it up.
And an artist, be it performing or visual, is always a plus. ;3
Post a picture of yourself or describe your looks: