Last night as
new_man and I were driving home things started to go All Bad with the car. The battery light came on, the dash lights dimmed, and then the car failed to drive. Fortunately, before it totally died, he found a legal parking space (in Kenmore Square!) and then I called AAA. They said it could take 90 minutes, but it was more like less than 20. After an attempt at jumping that we were all pretty sure would fail, the car went up on the tow truck and we all went to the garage.
Fortunately, we live mere blocks from our garage, but still, I wasn't in bed until almost 1. This morning when we went to the garage to check the car in,
new_man had a brainstorm. My Saturn is currently there, waiting to be junked (well, donated) because it had a bunch of major things fail all at once and it needs way too much work to be worth fixing. Perhaps its alternator, which works just fine, is compatible with the Vue. That would be nice.
We went from a 2-car household to no-car in about a week. We'll see how we manage with one for a while and then I'll probably scrounge a used Saturn. Nonexistent though it may be, we're still loyal to the brand.
In totally unrelated news, I've gotten quite good at cracking a whip. Literally, not figuratively.