Name: Whitney
Since we respect the LJ code, are you over 13?: 24
Describe Your Personality In Five Adjectives: independent, stubborn, clever, witty, cheerful
Hobbies: Reading, writing, drawing, stamping, gardening, coaching, biking, hiking
Your Strengths: I'm a good listener, I'm funny, & I'm good with kids/animals
Your Weaknesses: I'm a terrible speller, I'm shy, & I hate crowds
What Most People Like About You: I'm fun
This or That
Leader or Follower: Leader
Optimistic or Pessimistic: Optimistic
Mature or not so mature: Mature
Confident or Shy: Shy around strangers, confident in myself
Introverted or Extroverted: Introverted
Rule or Be Ruled: Rule
Your Style
Do you dress for comfort or style? More for comfort
What are your favorite colors? Green, blue, yellow, turquoise, purple
What is a typical outfit for you? Jeans, t-shirt, Converse or flip flops, hoodie in the winter
What would you NEVER wear? Anything too revealing
The Little Mermaid
Favorite Character: Flounder
Least Favorite Character: Chef Louis
Favorite outfit in the movie (does not have to be Ariel's): Her sparkily blue dress
Picture of yourself (optional):
Wanna let us know more about you well here is your chance: Thanks for the votes & I voted on everyone else!