Under the Sea ♫

Feb 15, 2010 00:31

Name: Rose
Gender: Female
Age: 18
3 links of app's you've voted on:

Hobbies: I love to read and play the violin (for myself, mostly; Holmes-style).
Likes: I love feeling helpful, taking walks in the sunshine, being the bearer of good news, being the first person awake in the mornings and having the world all to myself, reading great books, watching great movies, and sharing great books and great movies with my friends.
Dislikes: Open refrigerators, cruelty, carelessness, incompetence, irrationality, insects, and humiliation.
Strong points: I’m considerate, analytical, enthusiastic, nerdy, intelligent, reliable, understanding, and fairly affable.
Weaker points: I’m sarcastic, timid, self-doubting, indecisive, worrier, procrastinator, messy, stubborn, impatient, occasionally reclusive, and prone to defensiveness. Sometimes it can be a good or a bad thing, because I stick up for my friends even though I hate confrontation (it can be a good and a bad thing to stand up to a bully, you know)
Talents: I’ve played the violin for 11 years, and I’m pretty good at writing and singing. I just don’t do those things very often when I’m not required to.
Describe your personality: I’m an introverted person with a sense of intellectual vitality. I’m a total nerd, and that’s one of the things that my friends like best about me. I worry to an almost irrational extent, even when there is past evidence to suggest that there really is nothing to worry about.
Are you more likely to be walked on or do the walking? I’d say it’s about 50/50
Can you keep a secret? I can, but that doesn’t mean I will.
Snoop around or flat out ask? Depends on who I’m dealing with. Snooping a bit is probably more my style, or needling something out of someone with questions.
Would you rather have love or power? Love, of course.
How do you feel about romance or relationships? I believe romance is best when it starts as friendship. I’m also a firm believer in the existence of platonic soul-mates (true love doesn’t have to be romantic!)
If you could visit one place, where would it be? The Shire England
Your biggest fear: Humiliation
Rebel or by the book? I’m usually by the book, but in theory I’d be able to break the rules if the cause was good enough or the circumstances were dire enough.

With these, put an X next to the ones that pertain to you (and please be honest!):
[x]You are a happy person.
[x]You are on the quiet/shy side.
[x]You are scatter-brained.
[ ]Your a sexy flirt
[ ]You are a dominant individual.
[/]Others find you intimidating.
[ ]You are naive.
[ ]You tend to be coy
[/]You are considered "cold-hearted" at times.
[x]You are sarcastic.
[/]You are a determined individual.
[ ]You are well known in your community.
[x]You are artsy.
[ ]You are conniving.

Anything else we should know? Thanks in advance for the votes!


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