Under the Sea

May 28, 2009 22:37

Name: Abelinda
 Gender: Female
Age: 28
3 links of app's you've voted on

Hobbies: collecting,writing,singing,drawing,making things
Likes: I collect Happy Meal toys (I'd don't know why), I collect books,reading,learning new things,Pilates,I collect anime.Faeries,mermaids,nymphs.I love studying.History Channel,action movies and romantic comedies,Twilight ( well more the Cullens.I want them to adopt me.),Hal Sparks,Dane Cook,George Carlin,crafts,Torchwood/Doctor Who, cute stuff,music,Pushing Daisies ,bohemians
Dislikes: Carrie Underwood,Wincest,unruly children,school,science,nasty tasting medicine, getting motion sickness, the fact that my body has a hard time keeping up with my determined spirit.Class clowns .
Strong points: creative,funny,warm
Weaker points: mischievous,impatient ,stubborn,headstrong
Talents: collecting,writing,singing,drawing,making things
Describe your personality: bubbly ,sharp-witted,maternal,clever,observant, restless,stubborn,ditzy,shyish

Are you more likely to be walked on or do the walking? bit of both
Can you keep a secret? yes
Snoop around or flat out ask? I snoop if I feel something is being kept from me and I know asking would not get me anywhere. Better to ask for forgiviness than permission .
Would you rather have love or power? Love.
How do you feel about romance or relationships? Hopeless romantic who can't seem to avoid hopeless relationships.
If you could visit one place, where would it be?
Your biggest fear: losing my parents but that's inevitable isn't it :(
Rebel or by the book? a bit of a rebel. I do give a good college try to follow the rules...I do..

With these, put an X next to the ones that pertain to you (and please be honest!):
[ x]You are a happy person.
[x]You are on the quiet/shy side.
[/]You are scatter-brained.
[ /]Your a sexy flirt ~ I flirt in a cute way not sexy.Me not even remotely sexy but cute I can pull off.
 [/]You are a dominant individual.
[ ]Others find you intimidating.
[/ ]You are naive.
[ ]You tend to be coy
[ /]You are considered "cold-hearted" at times.
[/]You are sarcastic. ~ never to anyone's face.I never set out to insult someone and I keep it in my sarcastic head now these days.
[x]You are a determined individual.
[ ]You are well known in your community.
[x]You are artsy.
[/ ]You are conniving. Sneaky.I'm sneaky.


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