Happy Birthday Yorii-chan~!

Sep 08, 2009 00:47

It's yorii-chan birthday today!! I remembered! >____<

Last year, I totally forgot to ask her when her birthday was and missed it so earlier in the summer I randomly asked her when it was and I remembered. lolz

But, Happy Birthday to you my fellow Ohno fangirl! XD I believe you were my very first LJ friend and I am happy to say that I am glad that I have met you~ =] Although our one true passion may be fangirling about Ohno and how he is a genius and everything in between, It was nice to find out that we have so much other things in common =D I hope we continue to fangirl over Ohno be LJ friends and I continue to wish you the best of luck in becoming an awesome interpreter <3 I hope you have a wonderful birthday and many more!! =DD Take care of yourself! =D

Ohno says: YOU, Happy Birthday! ^^

Although I did not get you awesome Ohno things (^^;), I tried to make you an Ohno banner! XD haha the second banner is the one I completed, but after I finished it I thought it was too crowded. But I liked the main picture (first picture/banner), but then I didn't know what to do with it so kind of just left it XP (if you want the banners below, feel free to take it, but first continue reading!)

Yeah, you know me, I'm never satisfied with what I make... Sooooo I'm not going to be lazy, and I'm going to make you something! =O (banner, wallpaper, icon, you name it! =P) BUT you just have to let me know what pictures you want me to use =P lolz

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! ^___________________^ <3


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