Random Music Post

Apr 13, 2009 23:16

I feel like I have neglected my journal and so I bring to you a random music post! Surprisingly this has nothing to do with Arashi! lol Anyways, for the last 6 months I have been pretty much sucked into this Arashi world. Now, I'm slowly making my way out of it and returning to a somewhat 'normal' life (that of course still has Arashi in it o_<) haha

Anyways, for me, there are two things in my life that I'm super passionate about. One being art, and the other music. I think I would die if I didn't have these two things in my life! These two things are the things that can calm me down and just take me to my own world you could say. haha Sounds cheesy right? Well, I love that world! =D

This post, I'm going to be posting/sharing some videos that I found on youtube which I think are great performances, and of course I'll be inputting my own comments here and there. =]

SO, feel free to comment/enjoy/ignore this post. I'm really just doing this for myself. I need to fully see/write why I love these artists/songs/performances so much! =D

Ahh, so where to start?? I guess I shall start with Angela Aki!

Angela Aki
Recently, I've really taken a liking to Angela Aki. Her music is very relaxing. She has a nice voice and it's even better when it's accompanied by her piano- the perfect combo I must say. The song I've been listening to (a lot) recently is Surrender. I am saddened that she has not done a live performance for this song! Since there's no video to share, I will move onto the next song Will you Dance?

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For all the years I have been in band, I can't remember the style that she uses!! Damn! Well, I like how it has a third feeling (like triplets?) and how her voice sounds so mysterious. Geez, If I really want to talk about music, I should really know the terms first, right? >_> Forgive me, but I'm going to have to come back to this one!!

She is my favorite Japanese female singer. I've said this before, and I'll say it again, but she has such a strong voice! It's very surprising to hear this deep, warm voice coming from this petite girl. Since there's a lot of performances I like, I'll share only a few today. /IFirst one is Okaeri (Ending of Absolute Boyfriend)

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I specifically like this performance of Okaeri because you're able to see her mini band. haha I love seeing a live band performing with the singer. Somehow, it makes it feel more personal and it's nice seeing the band up close (for me it's also inspirational to see them doing what they enjoy the most).

*random tad bit: Ayaka is getting married to Hiro Mizushima!! I think they make the cutest couple ever. Sad thing is, Ayaka has a disease. D: When I read this I was totally bummed! It's very unfortunate that she has it and at such a young age too. I'm thinking of buying her latest single to support her since she's taking leave at the end of the year. Here's a small article about the two getting married.

Kobukuro X Ayaka
This is the most genius collaborations EVER! They have done at least 3 songs together and all of them are great! I haven't really listened to Kobukuro before, but they're pretty darn good. =D

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This isn't my most favorite performance by them, but I can't seem to find it at the moment. Well, from this video you can still tel that their harmonization is amazing. I wish they would do more collaborations.

Sakamoto Kyu
I haven't really listened to much of his music, but there's one song that I like- Ue o Muite Aruko (aka Sukiyaki).

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It's a really nice song, but the lyrics are somewhat sad. It also throws you off when you watch him with his smiling face. Nonetheless, a great song, but it's unfortunate that he died in an airplane crash.

Noriyuki Makihara
Another artist that I haven't really listened to, but his version of Smap's Sekai ni Hitotsu Dake Hana is really nicely done (I like it way more than Smap's version =X) His voice isn't the greatest, but it's different and it's refreshing.

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I find this performance to be one of the most moving performances I have seen. When I first watched it, I got major goosebumps all over and it was really nice to watch. I find it super powerful to see the Orchestra and Choir backing him up and him being surrounded by the audience. The set-up really gives you a strong impact and it's was really nicely performed. Well, the Budokan Concert Hall does look pretty grand itself.

Joe Hisaishi
Goodness, this man is a genius! He is the man responsible for most of the Studio Ghibil's Soundtracks. His compositions are so skillfully put together and the way he executes everything, it's perfect. Let's start off with the Princess Mononoke Symphonic Suite.

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I'll refrain from posting more of his videos, I'll save them for later. =P But, I really wish I could go to one of those concerts! I would really like to experience the performance in person, I'm pretty sure I would be blown away and thoroughly enjoy myself.

Yoko Kanno and The Seatelts
Another genius composer (along with her band). They totally rock socks when they perform, like no joke. I'm constantly blown away by all the musicians because it's unfathomable how they can improvise like that and just be EPICALLY GREAT!!

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mmm Can't go wrong starting off with some Tank! Yeah, I think this performance speaks for itself. This is another concert I would die to go to! They should come back together for one last performance, I'd totally go!

*I actually kind of have a lot of videos, so I shall wrap it up with two more videos. =P

Yes, my new favorite boy band! lol They're like Arashi, but not because they're Korean and they sing way better =X Anywho, the only thing that makes me sad, is the fact that two of the members sing most of the time while the rapper of the group barely gets to sing/rap on his own, and they don't do much group singing/harmonizing. =[ BUT, It's alright because they're still awesome lol

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Another cover of a Smap song, Lion Heart. Do we see a trend? Yes, I like Smap's songs but covered by other people...=X One of my favorite live performances. I think the factor that plays into this is the fact that they're performing outside...in the freezing cold (that's pretty epic!)! lol Plus, it makes them look...hot(??) lol You don't see me using that adjective too often haha

Well one more video before I'm finished. I will send you all off with the video of T-Max singing/dancing to Arashi's Love so Sweet, it's cute. =3

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music, random

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