answers to the questions you all asked:
scapula -- how are you, really?
very tired and sexually frustrated because i seem to be a nympho who can't get enough sexual attention.
jaderose -- What's your happiest memory? (if you can't see those, let me know.
naivething -- why are you so incredibly secks?
because i love my inner self. :D
oleanders -- what color are your toenails?
clear. i hate my feet, they are disgusting, and i've never painted my toenails ever. why draw attention to something you hate?
littlemayte -- What's the funniest/most embarassing thing you did as a kid?
you really want to know? i peed in the kitty litter once on a dare.
velveteen -- Why won't my kitten stop meowing?
it wants a cuddle :)
no51 -- what should i do this weekend?
take over the world. and explore someplace you've never been, completely alone.
onedeadflower -- I don't really have any questions. How about I just tell you how great I think you are, and that I mean that with all the sincerity I can muster.
i hope that's more than an ounce or two of sincerity then :) or i'll start the i got laid and you didn't thing with you again.
mouthforwar -- Name one thing you'd do differently if you could go back in time...
gotten along with my mother. sigh.
eeecho_42 -- Two part question. Single or married, and if single, whatcha doing next wednesday around lunch, I was thinking take out and some window shopping..? LOL;-P
:) what if i am not either? i'm not single nor married. i am in a relationship i want to be in for the long term, i have been with him 14 months and i would inevitably like to marry him, if all goes well. we could still go window shopping and takeout sometime though, as friends :) wednesday's bad for me though, i have a 730-4 shift at work.
badreception -- Will I ever get the girl? Cheesy, yes, but humor me.
yes, the minute you stop wondering. :)
urbancrush -- Would you ever date a girl?
if i ever happened to find myself physically and emotionally and sexually attracted to one i would. but i really honestly don't think i am interested in girls at all for dating. i find them beautiful but just....not in the way i find men beautiful.
shotgun_shimmer -- when are you going to come visit me? ;
is this an invite? ;) hmm i don't know but i'd love to someday :)
nocturn0wl -- what was the best day of your life?
i can't exactly pinpoint a best day. i don't even know if i'd want a best day, because best is the ultimate superlative. nothing compares to it and my life's too short to say this is the best.
kissmahfeets -- if you could have a magical power what would it be/how would you use it/ and why?
i'd have the ability to make people feel content. not necessarily happy, just content, and i wouldnt make the world different, i'd just be able to brighten the darkest moments by a change in viewpoint.