Mar 25, 2008 11:09
I saw An Inconvenient Truth last weekend. I thought it was excellent. I had already heard the arguments, but nothing speaks to me like some cold, hard data. Show me some graphs and I'm all yours.
So I know about the lightbulbs, I know about unplugging chargers and what have you and obviously turning lights off in rooms you are not in, but what else am I missing?
I have switched to non-plug in air fresheners.
Apparently there is environmental friendliness with this company Method. I don't know what that's all about.
I looked up the recycling schedule and got more information on what they will and will not take.
Got some biodegradable poopy bags for the dog.
Don't really buy water bottles unless I am out and struck by thirst, so can't really cut down on that.
I use cold water to wash clothes most of the time, unless it's sheets or towels, since hot water kills exponentially more germs and mites than cold water.
I don't really know what else to do. I am driving a lot less since I moved in with that boy and a branch of our gym opened up around the corner.