Ahhhh, sounds good to me.....

May 22, 2007 22:14

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): "Dear Rob: I would love to live on the ocean, I
mean literally in a floating village, so that I could always sense the pulse of
the Mother of Us All. I want the wild revelation of the horizon to be
uncluttered before me. I want to smell the tang of salt in the air, to hear
the cries of seagulls. No more towers, no more labyrinths of concrete--
just breathtaking, incomprehensible expanses of waves. - Piscean
Immersion-Junkie." Dear Immersion-Junkie: Good news! You Pisceans will
soon be invited to get tastes of this restless primordial spectacle. It'll
come to you in many ways, including (but not limited to) your dreams,
meditations, hot baths, saunas, massages, love-making, music-playing,
journal-writing, and sailing.
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